What I've learned today - How to add library (dll) into the GAC using PowerShell and gacutil.exe First of, you have to have a library that you want to add to GAC. In my case it will be a Microsoft.Smartdevice.Connectivity.dll, which, version, you can find on google code
Windows Phone Power Tools - System Update Required. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity Version b I wanted to install, as it later turns out extremely useful tools for Windows Phone development, Windows Phone Power Tools on my machine and soon after downloading installation file clicking Install I got prompted with information
WordPress - New Comment Email Notification Not Working This blog was lacking, from the very beginning, a new comment email notification. Finally, today, I’ve had enough of this feature not functioning properly. I did a research, I asked, as always, google for answers but I couldn’t get it to work easily.
Australian Dream! Jak zapowiadałem, tak też czynię. Opowiem Wam trochę o tym jak mnie życie zawodowe doświadczyło, póki co, w Australii. Zaczęło się to wszystko od momentu gdy…
What I've learned today - Debugging with DebuggerDisplay attribute Actually I lied in the title, I haven’t learned it today but there was a day when I’ve stumble upon this attribute in someone’s code and started using it ever since. This is one of these things that makes your life much easier while debugging. What does this DebuggerDisplay attribute do exactly?
What I’ve learned today – Debugging with Pseudovariables ($exception) Not so long ago I had a small problem with inspecting pretty complex exception. Usually what you see after some exception is thrown is basically this kind of window: I’ve highlighted Break when this exception type is thrown because without this box being
Ludzie Myślę, że warto napisać, krótką wzmiankę, o ludziach. Tych, których tu poznajesz, z którymi przebywasz, mieszkasz, zwiedzasz, rozmawiasz, z którymi po prostu współegzystujesz. Pewnie każdemu z Was dobrze znany jest
Compiling ASP.NET MVC Views ecently I’ve been doing some work with ASP.NET MVC, going back to the roots ;]. I had to create simple Web Portal to manipulate database tables. It had to have possibility to make CRUD (Create, Remove, Update and Delete) actions on tables records
What I've learned today - Universal Apps and changing UI Element from other Thread What I’ve learned today Quick explanation: This is going to be a title for a kind of series that I plan to make from a blog posts about my struggles, mistakes, obstacles, errors and problems that’ve encountered during development time. It’s
Becoming a Windows Phone and Windows developer with Universal Apps Recently I’ve had a little change in my carrer. From being a .NET Web Developer I’ve become (at least trying to become) Windows Phone & Windows 8 Developer. Almost everything is different, minor change ;]
Welcome to Sydney! Prolog australijskiej opowieści powitalnej już znacie. Przygoda z butami i celnikami w rolach głównych w terminologii przywitań gospodarza z gościem, byłby czymś w rodzaju uścisku dłoni, żółwika czy pjony, którą przybiłem sobie z Australią.
Creating & Naming Projects with Visual Studio Starting a project with Visual Studio is really easy process. There are just few steps, how many depends on the project template, to get going with new idea. You just go to File -> New -> Project…
Hi, how are you ?! Te, tytularne, słowa, są pierwszymi, które usłyszysz na wyspie kangurów. Czy to od strażnika na granicy, czy od ekspedientki w sklepie, czy od fryzjera, czy od szefa.
Image Resizer I’ve allways had problems with picture resizing. There are so many graphics processing programs, that it makes you feel a little bit confused, and you don’t know which one to use. Even when you find the one that suits you, it turns out to be so complicated, gives you so much possibilities
Facebook Sharer with WordPress & PHP As you all now I’ve recently started this blog. The form that I want it to be is still in progress. I’ve got a lot of ‘things’ to do in terms of adjusting and enhancing it. In general when it comes to changes in WordPress, it always involves PHP and obviously some WordPress stuff.
Emigracja Wylot do Australii, pfff, wielka mi rzecz, rezerwujesz bilet, wsiadasz i lecisz, c’nie !? Nic trudnego, wystarczy mieć trochę kasy, a nawet jak się nie ma to pożyczyć i w drogę! Kilka prostych czynności, łatwizna..
GoodSpace Theme Adjustment As you can imagine I didn’t write this blog layout by myself. I could, but it would take me a lot of time that I didn’t want to spend on reinventing the wheel. There are people who do layouts professionally so why not choose something that they made ? Probably they are even good at what they do.
Decyzja Zanim zacznę pisać o moim pobycie w Australii muszę się cofnąć troszeczkę w czasie i opowiedzieć jak to się stało, że w ogóle znalazłem się na wyspie kangurów.
Początek Chciałbym wszystkich bardzo serdecznie powitać w moich skromnych progach wirtualnego życia australijskiego. Paradoksalnie, można powiedzieć, że właśnie doświadczacie moich narodzin, mimo, że mam już 27 wiosen na swoim koncie.
The Best Windows Shortcuts This is going to be a series of ‘The best shortcuts’. As a first post of a series let’s think a little bit about genesis and true meaning of word ‘shortcut’.
The Beginning You have no idea what is about to happen, don’t You ? This is the day that all human kind will remember, Your children, Your children children and their children, generaly speaking all the generation of children after 2014, will be speaking about this day! Not really, but anyway, I hope that..